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A Life Less Ordinary Challenge Five: The Blogroll

7 February, 2012

Most of us have blogs we like to read regularly.  This one might be one of them :-).  However, it is easy to get into the habit of regularly reading the same blogs each day/week/whatever, without thinking about whether they are still interesting, encouraging, challenging or helpful.  I know in the past I have continued to read blogs long past their “usefulness” date for me.

So today, I culled my “Blogs” folder in my Firefox Toolbar.  That’s not to say that I will never look at those blogs again, it just means they are not in my regular “go to” list.  It’s silly to waste time reading a blog that doesn’t interest you any more or just frustrates you, or is no longer helpful (perhaps you’ve entered a new season of life, have finished the home improvement phase you were on, have altered your beliefs do, or the blogger has become stagnant).

Go on, cull your blog list.  You won’t regret it!  And if you want to help the blogger be better at what they do then leave them a message saying why you wont be stopping by daily regularly anymore and maybe some suggestions on how they can improve that.

And if you’re sticking with this blog, leave a message and tell me what you love about this blog. If you’re leaving, please tell me what I can do better. 🙂

2 Comments leave one →
  1. 7 February, 2012 10:32 am

    I’m not leaving your blog! Although I do cull my lists regularly. I enjoy learning about the needs of your family as it is quite new to me.

  2. DaughterofEve permalink
    7 February, 2012 2:22 pm

    Its practical and honest and I learn a lot from what you share. 🙂

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